9.3 average score from 31 reviews


Номер модели: BBP-72
  • Черный рулон отражающей пленки
  • Наклейки подходят для нанесения на раму и обода
  • Можно наклеить на другие изделия, такие как шлемы, обувь и другие детали велосипеда
  • Рулон рефлектирующей ленты шириной 40 мм и длиной 1 м
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RollVis Bike Protection

You want to protect your bike frame against all kinds of damage. The RollVis Bike Protection protects your bike frame, shoes, and helmet to make sure they all stay as shiny and good-looking as when you bought them. The special black reflection goes completely unnoticed in daylight, but will reflect light in dark weather conditions to make sure will be seen by other traffic. Protect your bike against scratches and dints, and protect yourself against being invisible in the dark!

RollVis RollVis
RollVis RollVis


  • Тип использования Отражающие наклейки
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