9.2 durchschnittliche Punktzahl aus 36 Bewertungen


Modellnummer: BTL-25
  • Vielseitiger und robuster Konusschlüssel
  • In verschiedenen Größen erhältlich
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ConeSet Konus Set

Some tools are for specific jobs, others can be used for multiple purposes. The ConeFix wrench is one of those. Available in 5 different sizes to do multiple jobs on your bike. The ConeFix is a jack of all trades.

ConeFix ConeFix
ConeFix ConeFix
ConeFix ConeFix
ConeFix ConeFix


  • Größen 13mm (133g), 14mm (130g), 15mm (132g), 16mm (130g), 17mm (132g)


  • Konusgröße (mm) 13, 14, 15, 16, 17